Clinics and Classes

Varsity Lakes

2 Lake St, Varsity Lakes QLD 4227,
Located within Temple Gym at Varsity Lakes

About this clinic

Convenient and central, our Varsity Lakes location is positioned 500m from Bond University

The Atkins Health Varsity Lakes clinic is co-located with Temple Gym, providing access to range of equipment in the well appointed air-conditioned gym. Some of the key features of our centrally located clinic include our Mission MS program for those impacted by Multiple Sclerosis, working with amputees and driving excellence in athletic performance as part of our exercise physiology Gold Coast services.

We also offer physiotherapy and dietetics, to provide centrally located comprehensive allied health care . If you are looking for remedial massage therapy, head over to our clinic at the Gold Coast performance centre.

Parking can be a little tricky sometimes, so allow some additional time to park safely prior to your appointment. Parking can be found under the Varsity Lakes Day Hospital which houses Temple Gym, or at Pine Valley Drive, Central Park Drive and Lake Street. 

Are You a Runner?


Manage Common Injuries from Running

Whether you’re a casual runner, a weekend warrior, or an elite athlete, it’s important that you know how to avoid injuries and how to recover quickly from them if you sustain one. Join our physiotherapist George Hunter for a complimentary presentation on this subject on 31 March at 5:30 pm.

Register at the gym, by calling us on 07 3177 7779, or via the Gym Master app. Geroge will discuss common injuries, how to avoid them and how to accelerate recovery from them, as well as answer your questions. Learn more.

Services and classes


Available five days per week


Help for sports related injuries, musculoskeletal and chronic health conditions


Expert advice to optimise nutrition at any stage of life including managing chronic conditions and healthy ageing


Working with a personal trainer, you’ll have access to a customised workout that will maximise your results using proper form and techniques


Our general fitness classes are designed to treat a wide range of conditions. Come join the squad, improve your health and have fun along the way.


Our group classes for multiple sclerosis


Available with any of our allied health professions

LEARN MORE about the services we offer at Atkins Health Varsity Lakes

Working hours

Our Varsity Lakes clinic offers appointments 5 days per week.

Time’s not flexible?

Send us a request and we’ll see how we can best accommodate you


Review all available appointments and book directly




Are you tired of struggling to reach your fitness goals? A personal trainer may be the solution you’re looking for.

If you want to supercharge your fitness, strength training, or weight loss program, then perhaps it’s time to seek the services of a personal trainer. Our personal trainers are fitness professionals who’ll provide a workout plan specifically designed for your unique goals and needs. With a personal trainer, you can maximise your results while avoiding injuries. In addition, having a personal trainer will keep you motivated and accountable, as they will create challenging exercise routines and monitor your progress. They can also offer valuable nutritional and lifestyle advice to complement your fitness regimen, ensuring you reach your full potential. Invest in your health today by working with our qualified personal trainers.

Newly Refurbished with the Latest Equipment

Take a look around our recently refurbished practice. Spacious and comfortable, it’s the ideal place to work with one of our qualified exercise physiologists or personal trainers on achieving your health goals. Located at Temple Gym our premises offer easy access, air-conditioning, and off-street parking. Whether you’re working one-on-one with an Atkins Health team member, or attending one of our group classes, our new facilities complement the professional, expert care provided by our allied health professionals.


Delivered in partnership with Gold Coast Health

Walking a Way to Better Health is a two-hour group session held every Friday at Robina, which focuses on improving quality of life. Led by our exercise physiologists, it’s suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.

Classes commence at 8 am and cost $5 – after two which we offer complimentary. Learn more about it in this video.

If you have any questions, please call us on 07-3177-7779


It can get complex navigating the various funding options and plans that may be available to you. We’ve tried to unpack and explain the options here.

Client testimonials

Here is what some of our Varsity Lakes customers have to say….

Have always had a great experience at Temple Gym and with Atkins Health Physios who always are a great help to all of us with Multiple Sclerosis.


My first session was very useful prior to having heart surgery to set a post op recovery baseline


Since being involved with Atkins Health exercise training, I have been able to improve my physical abilities considerably. My trainers have helped me overcome many physical difficulties due to MS and medical surgeries. Without the exercise program Atkins Health put me on I would not be where I am today physically, my exercise program helps me to maintain the improvements I have been getting. I have two sessions a week at home with a trainer and complete the week by attending the Temple Gym at Varsity Lakes.


Clear set out exercises with images were user friendly. Good follow-up.


Check when to visit

Varsity Lakes class timetable

Check out our class timetable below, but remember private sessions are available throughout our opening hours






Send us a message

Need help or advice? Contact us using your preferred method below.


    2 Lake Street
    Varsity Lakes, Queensland, 4227


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    Book an appointment with Atkins Health Varsity Lakes.

    Late Notice Fees

    As you know, we are a small business so our practitioners time and the costs to run the business are invaluable. In saying this, we do understand that life sometimes gets in the way so all we ask is that you notify us, by either a phone call or leave a message, so that it allows us time to fill your appointment time slot.

    If you need to reschedule an appointment, you must provide us with at least 24 hours. If you do not attend an appointment, you will incur a charge of the full consultation fee amount. We understand that things happen and get in the way of scheduled appointments, and we do take extenuating circumstances into consideration.

    If you have any questions, call our exercise physiology Gold Coast team on 07-3177-7779 or contact us online.

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